My child's school provides information that is easy to understand and up to date in a variety of ways (phone calls, emails, letters, marquee)
How frequently do you participate in activities for families at your child's school?
My child's school involves me in matters directly affecting my child's progress.
How welcome do you feel at your child's school?
Overall, how do you feel your child's school values parent input?
What is the best way for your child's school to get important information to you?
Which of the following would help you to participate more in parent meetings and school activities?
Which of the following topics would you like to learn more about to help you to support your child's learning?
What is the best way for you to provide input to the school?
As a Title 1 school, we receive funds to help get parents involved. How would you like to see funds used? (Check all that apply)
This school year, we provided a variety of ways to have parents involved at HAC. Which types of events would you like to see continued next year? (Check all that apply)
We used Title 1 and BSI funds to purchase the following items. Which items would you recommend purchasing next year? (Check all that apply)