14540 Cobra Way • Hudson, FL 34669
Phone: (727) 774-8200




Title One Parent Survey

We would like your input! Please complete our Title 1 Parent Survey, as we start to plan for next year!

PASCO PATHWAYS Application Window January 8-21st, 2025

The Pasco Pathways Innovative Programs and School Choice application window is open Wednesday, January 8 at 8 a.m., through Tuesday, January 21st at 4:30 p.m. Learn more about the School Choice Application Window

Pay Online for Student Meals with the MySchoolBucks website

Parents and families can take advantage of paying for their students’ meals online. Paying for meals online saves you valuable time! Create an account with MySchoolBucks online

Show Up, Walk Proud – Success starts with Great Attendance!

Parents and families are essential partners in making sure students get to school. Start building good habits in preschool, so children learn that going to school on time every day is important. Learn more about making attendance a priority.

Get Your Athletic Tickets

Click Go Fan to Buy Your Hudson Academy Tickets Today

SAC/PTSA Information

Click the SAC/PTSA link to sign up to be part of the team!



New School Hours

IMPORTANT Hudson Middle School Info for 2020-21 School Year School Hours: 8:30 am to 3:08 pm (18 minutes have been added daily due to 2 week delay in start of school due to COVID)

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Student Orientation Day

HMS Student Orientation Day Description: The event will be limited to HMS student(s) and one parent. Parents will be required to RSVP a scheduled time for this event. During this event, parents will be ushered into the Café for a presentation from the Principal....

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Free and Reduced Lunch

Dear Parents and guardians, when filling out the "Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application" ( please select Crews Lake Middle School as your school.

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Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.